This page provides the citizens of Union Bridge with notices about important items related to the town. Special public service announcements, new special programs, traffic information, special meetings and any other changes to the way things normally happen in town may be posted here, by the town, to keep our citizens informed.
Immediate Action Notice!!!
Lead and Copper Rule Revision
(Lead Pipe Revision 2024)
Below is a quick video to assist you with how to identify the type of water supply service pipes are coming into your home or building. Though we're not in New Jersey, the same identification rules apply here in Union Bridge. Do not use the "reporting" system information that they discuss at the end of the video.
(See instructions at the bottom of this notice to report your findings.)
lf you are able to determine your type of service pipe material (no matter what type of material it is), please send a photograph of the service pipe and your identification of the material, along with your name, address and location of the service line coming into your building to: ubservicelines@gmail.com. This will allow us to update our records. lf you are unable to use email, you can bring the information to the Town Office. PIease supply all requested information by September 21, 2024.
A recommended email style to report your water supply service line is:
Your Name: John Doe
Property Address: 123 Anywhere Street, Union Bridge, MD
Service Line Location: Basement wall facing street; or
Basement wall, left side looking at building from street; etc.
Attach a picture of pipe where it comes through the wall to the email!
Thank you for your assistance with this required survey.
Union Bridge
2024 Town Plan Review
Click on the title for the official notice
Subject: 2024 Town Plan Review of Union Bridge & Environs Community
Comprehensive Plan, adopted July 2008, as amended.
To: Maryland Department of Planning; Carroll and Frederick Counties (adjoining jurisdictions)
Written comments may be mailed to:
Town of Union Bridge, 104 West Locust Street, Union Bridge, MD 21791;
or emailed to the Town at UNIONBR@CARR.ORG prior to the Hearing.
Thank you for your time and comment.
Dawn Metcalf
Clerk-Treasurer; Commission Secretary
Thomas Long, Commission Chairman; Edmund R. Cueman, Town Planning Consultant
Water and Sewer Bill - Online Payments!!!
We have started a new service for online bill payment of your water and sewer bills. The service allows anyone who has received a water and sewer bill in the mail to pay it online. You can find the online payment button on the "HOME" page or by clicking on this link: "Water/Sewer Payment" that will take you directly to the payment button. Once you click on the "Water/Sewer Payment" button, users will be taken to a page where you can set-up a permanent account with the bill payment site or you can just pay by clicking on the "Guest Sign-in". Either way works to pay your bill. Follow the instructions provided on the website to pay your bill in a safe and secure way online. The service is provided by Diversified Technology Corporation.
If you don't want to pay online, you can still pay your bill by mailing or dropping off you payment to the Town Office as well.
Notice - 1/5/2022
Union Bridge Bay Restoration Fee Financial Hardship Exemption Plan
On July 1, 2012, fees for the Bay Restoration Fund were increased to $15 per quarter. For more information about the fees and an application for financial hardship exemption are available by selecting the title on this notice.
New Service
The town will provide hauling services for brush removal (limbs/branches) by appointment. Call the Town Office at 410-775-2711 to set up an appointment. Residents will be responsible for loading brush items onto the truck.
Residents should review the new "Plastic Bag Flyer" in relation to the use of plastic bags for recycling. This issue takes effect immediately.