Union Bridge Area Heritage Committee
To honor and promote the history of the Union Bridge area and to preserve items such as writings, documents, newspapers, blueprints, maps, journals, records, and artifacts that substantiate the history and architecture of Union Bridge and its surrounding area.
Promotes public knowledge of and interest in Union Bridge history. The group seeks and shares information about the area that will recall or preserve its heritage, and arranges events such as tours of historic homes and buildings to educate, entertain, and encourage historic preservation. Meets frequently throughout the year.
Contact Jim Rowe at 410-775-2901 for meeting information.
West Carroll Recreation Council
Organized to build a public recreation program using public school buildings, grounds, parks, facilities, volunteers and local organizations, both public and private, to stimulate interest in promoting and furthering the cause of recreation.
Meetings: the second Monday of each month in the Community Room at the Old New Windsor School, 1100 Green Valley Road, New Windsor at 7 p.m.
Click here or the icon to go to the recreation council website.
LIONS Club International
Lions meet the needs of local communities and the world every day because they share a core belief - to serve their community.
Meetings: Held at the Buttersburg Inn on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month
Click on the icon for more information, visit their Facebook or contact Greg Galaida at 410-775-7054

AF & AM Masonic Lodge of Union Bridge, 108 West Locust Street
Meetings: Second Tuesday of each month
Click on the Masonic Logo for more information or contact Donald Wilson at 410-775-2907

8 West Locust Street, P.O. Box 1050, Union Bridge, MD 21791
President: Missi Green
Chief: Chad Green
"Our mission is to provide high quality fire protection, rescue service and Emergency Medical Service for the citizens, businesses and visitors of our community during emergency and non-emergency incidents, while also providing safety and fire prevention education to the public. This will be accomplished by safely providing enhanced planning, equipment, training and education for our members and staff."
Janet Reeves
Click on the icon to visit the Carroll County/University of Maryland Extension
Western Maryland Railway
Historical Society
41 North Main Street
WMRHS, P.O.Box 395
Union Bridge, MD 21791-0395
For more information about the museum, click on the picture or visit one of the following links:
Union Bridge Station (Wikipedia)
Western Maryland Railway Historical Society, Inc. (Facebook)